Usui Reiki Level 1 - Shoden
1 Day
About the Course
Usui Reiki Level 1 is like opening a door that's always been there and simply remembering what's on the other side. Universal Life Energy (Reiki) underpins every living thing. We are this energy, but we forget it and become less aware of the connection to it. All it takes is a little reminder by way of a Reiki Attunement to reignite that which is already there.
If you feel drawn to reconnect to this energy and are interested in learning how to guide it, then this is what you can expect from Level 1 (Shoden):
Ability to connect to and regulate your nervous system
A reawakening of your imagination or "mind's eye"
An understanding of self healing Reiki practice
The ability to practice Reiki on friends and family
Activities in how to feel and play with Universal Life Energy
A certificate to say you've studied to Level 1 Usui Reiki (Shoden)
A daily spiritual practice through meditation and/or "Hatsurei-Ho"
An understanding of the history of Usui Reiki
Usui Reiki Level 1 Reiju Empowerments and Western Attunements
A Usui Reiki Level 1 (Shoden) Manual
You can email to to book a space on any of my Reiki teaching days.
Your Instructor
Barbara Simpson

Barbara is a fully certified and insured Reiki Master and Teacher. She holds a wealth of knowledge and experience in self healing practice, treating others and holding space to guide you along your own Reiki journey. She teaches intuitively and offers ongoing support for anyone who chooses her to join them on their path of personal growth.